What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is an approach to understanding personality. While there are many tests and approaches out there (DISC, Myers Briggs, etc.), the Enneagram is unique as it focuses on our motivations, not our external behaviors. It gives us information about our behavior by showing us our inner motivations. This is extremely helpful in understanding ourselves, understanding others, and interacting more authentically with the people around us. It is also vital language to have to promote a healthy company culture and cohesive working environment.
The 9 personality types that make up the Enneagram are: Moralist, Giver, Achiever, Individualist, Thinker, Loyalist, Enthusiast, Protector, and Peacemaker. These are the ways we each perceive and experience the world, and learning more about this can help us create more self compassion and extend empathy to others who may have a different perception and experience. It also allows us to use a shared language to build trust, establish boundaries, and advocate for ourselves and others.
Why should we hire an Enneagram Consultant?
I firmly believe that utilizing the Enneagram's knowledge and language can play a pivotal role in cultivating workplaces that are not only safe and inclusive, but also brimming with fulfillment. While many consultants often prioritize a company's or organization's operational efficiency, my primary focus is on cultivating a thriving company culture.
It's important to recognize that the trust and fulfillment experienced by employees are intrinsically linked to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the company or organization. To ensure sustained profitability and active community engagement, it is crucial that people within the organization are motivated and engaged in their work.
For those seeking to foster a positive company culture, retain exceptional talent, and witness their business thrive, I wholeheartedly recommend considering the services of an Enneagram-informed consultant.
What can we expect in an Enneagram workshop?
We'll begin with an overview of each Enneagram type, delving into their unique motivations, stress triggers, and core fears. From there, we have the flexibility to tailor the workshop experience to your organization's requirements. We can either continue to explore all the Enneagram types comprehensively or zero in on those that are most relevant to your company's dynamics.
Throughout the interactive workshop, we will explore various facets of each Enneagram type, including how they respond to stress, their growth and resource pathways, the significance of wings, subtypes, and more.We will engage in meaningful conversation that allow each participant to share how their personal Enneagram type manifests in their work life. This individualized approach is pivotal because even individuals sharing the same Enneagram type can exhibit remarkably distinct traits and behaviors.
My commitment to customization ensures that you and your team receive a tailored experience that resonates with your unique organizational culture and goals.
Why is a one on one session to discover our types better than an online assessment?
As with many online personality assessments, it is easy for us to select answers that feel true in how we choose to show up or the external behaviors that we have on a daily basis. However, since the Enneagram is more focused on our internal motivations and who we really are, not necessarily how we appear to others, a typing session can be more accurate and beneficial in honing in on a main type. We can also more thoroughly discuss how other life experiences affect your type structure, rather than getting results that are based on the “standard” type presentation. This is important context to have when looking at someone’s strengths, value, and motivation to integrate into a team dynamic and contribute to healthy company culture.